NOTE: When building your DLL, make sure to choose to build it as a x86 or 圆4 DLL. I recommend you use either Cdecl or StdCall, it doesn’t matter which one because Extreme Injector supports both. Also note that I specified the StdCall convention. Note that I had to add a reference to to use the MessageBox class. Okay, so now I went ahead and made a function to represent the starting point of my hack, this is what it looks like: Please note if you are using Visual Studio 2010 or older you need to install NuGet first because it’s not built in. To add the NuGet package, either use the command shown on the link provided or search for Unmanaged Exports under Project > Manage NuGet Packages > Online > Search. Simply add the NuGet package to your Class Library project. This is all possible with the help of a library called Unmanaged Exports by Robert Giesecke.

That’s right, you can code your hacks in C# and VB.NET and inject them straight into a game or process. The addition of the ability to execute exported functions from a DLL opens up opportunities for a brand new range of hacks. What can I use the advanced module options for? This is all so people don’t complain about non-working hacks and don’t end up downloading and saving files to the wrong place. If it detects the hack you are adding requires MSVCRD.dll or MSVCPD.dll, it will automatically download the correct version (x86 ox 圆4) and save it to the correct folder (C:\Windows\system32 or C:\Windows\SysWOW64). If Extreme Injector detects that a hack you are adding requires MSVCR.dll, MSVCP.dll or d3dx9_.dll and you do not have it installed, it will offer to automatically download the correct version (x86 or 圆4) from the Microsoft website and install it for you. What’s the Visual C++/DirectX depedency installer?