The fact that the book was meant for the novice is clear from the prefatory paragraphs that precede the discourses. The twenty four discourses are selected from the five Nikayas or the original Collections in Pali containing the Buddha's discourses.

The idea was that those novices who are not capable of studying large portions of the "Discourse Collection" (sutta pitaka) should at least be conversant with the Book of Protection. The Book of Protection which is an anthology of selected discourses of the Buddha compiled by the teachers of old, was originally meant as a handbook for the newly ordained novice. Protective Discourse to Angulimala (Angulimala Paritta).Discourse on the Analysis of the Truths (Saccavibhanga Sutta) Discourse to Bharadvaja, the farmer (Kasibharadvaja Sutta) Setting in Motion the Wheel of Truth (Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta) Discourse to Girimananda Thera (Girimananda Sutta) Factors of Enlightenment (Maha Cunda Thera Bhojjhanga) Factors of Enlightenment (Maha Moggallana Thera Bhojjhanga) Factors of Enlightenment (Maha Kassapa Thera Bhojjhanga) The Sun Deity's Prayer for Protection (Suriya Paritta) The Moon Deity's Prayer for Protection (Canda Paritta) The Peacock's Prayer for Protection (Mora Paritta) The Advantages of Friendship (Mittanisamsa)

Discourse on Advantages of Loving-kindness (Mettanisamsa) Protection of the Aggregates (Khandha Sutta) Discourse on Loving-kindness (Metta Sutta) Discourse on the Ten Dhammas (Dasa-dhamma sutta) The Four-fold Reflection of a Monk (Paccavekkhana) The Thirty two Parts of the Body (Dvattimsakara) Questions to be Answered by a Novice (Samanera Pañha) The Ten Training Precepts (Dasa-sikkhapada)